
Early childhood and primary education

International baccauraleate primary school programme

When children arrive at the school (some of them have not turned three) we want them to find a pleasant environment in which to learn habits, make friends and continue to increase their natural curiosity. Therefor the area dedicated to Early Childhood Education is completely separated from the rest of the school. That is not to say that students are isolated from others, by no means; but they can exclusively enjoy unique our facilities designed for them: playground, covered playground, library and an extensive area to carry out different psychomotor activities.

Early childhood and primary school children share a significant number of hours a week on activities that for us are regarded as teaching but are not included in the official curriculum: chess, swimming or instrumental music, among others. These disciplines seem indispensable for us to achieve authentic integral education, a formation that goes far beyond mere academic disciplines.

On the other hand, early childhood and primary students approach English through the AMCO methodology which allows them to assimilate English just as they learn their mother tongue, that is, in a natural, active and enjoyable way enhancing oral skills as opposed to grammar, especially in the early stages of education.

Not only do they learn English in early-childhood but learn it in English. In Early Childhood and the first few years of primary school 50% of the timetable is taught in that language.